Women Who Write Animals | on-line Seminar | U. of Alicante | nov. 19, 2021
On behalf of the research project “Angels of the ecosystem?” /Angeles del ecosistema? (GV/2020/029) financed by the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, we are pleased to remind that the second session of our online Interdisciplinary Research Seminar on “Women Who Write Animals”.
Plenary speaker : Dr. Margarita Carretero-González
Friday 19 November / 11.00h – 13.30h
Round Table “Women Who Write Animals”
- Lorraine Kerslake Young (U. Alicante): An Ecofeminist Approach to Beatrix Potter’s More-Than-Human World.
- Diana Villanueva (U. Extremadura): The Feminization of Ape Fiction.
- Gala Arias (UAM): “I Have Been Chosen by the Cat” Ursula Le Guin’s Vision of Cats in Annals of Pard.
- Plenary speaker: Dr. Margarita Carretero González (U. Granada): Animal focalisation in Virgina Woolf’s “Kew Gardens” and Flush.
Chair: Diana Villanueva (U. Extremadura).
Dr. Margarita Carretero-González is senior lecturer in English Literature at the English and German Department of the University of Granada (Spain) and Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. She is president of EASCLE (European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment) and a member of the advisory board of the journal Ecozon@ and consultant editor of the Journal of Animal Ethics. More information is available on her websites humanimalidades.com, and margaritacarreterogonzalez.academia.edu
Please find the details of the seminar in the poster.
Registration is free, but you must sign up. The registration form can be found at:
Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees the day before the seminar.
Organizers :
Lorraine Kerslake Young (Universidad de Alicante)
Diana Villanueva Romero (Universidad de Extremadura)
Gala Arias Rubio (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Grupo GIECO-Instituto Franklin-UAH
Editora ejecutiva de la revista Ecozon@
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne Simon (9 novembre 2021). Women Who Write Animals | on-line Seminar | U. of Alicante | nov. 19, 2021. Animots. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/b6xx