Joanna Page | Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art | UCL Press | 2021
Joanna Page, Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art, UCL Press, April 15, 2021
Projects that bring the ‘hard’ sciences into art are increasingly being exhibited in galleries and museums across the world. In a surge of publications on the subject, few focus on regions beyond Europe and the Anglophone world. Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art assembles a new corpus of art-science projects by Latin American artists, ranging from big-budget collaborations with NASA and MIT to homegrown experiments in artists’ kitchens.
While they draw on recent scientific research, these art projects also ‘decolonize’ science. If increasing knowledge of the natural world has often gone hand-in-hand with our objectification and exploitation of it, the artists studied here emphasize the subjectivity and intelligence of other species, staging new forms of collaboration and co-creativity beyond the human. They design technologies that work with organic processes to promote the health of ecosystems and seek alternatives to the logics of extractivism and monoculture farming that have caused extensive ecological damage in Latin America.
Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art interrogates how artistic practices may communicate, extend, supplement, and challenge scientific ideas. It also highlights important contributions by Latin American thinkers to themes of global significance, including the Anthropocene, climate change and environmental justice.
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Willy Delvalle (15 février 2023). Joanna Page | Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art | UCL Press | 2021. Animots. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse