Willy Delvalle | European ecological intervention faced with the Brazilian Amazon deforestation : a neo-imperialist discourse? | Autumn School Global Forests | MFO | Oxford | 10 Oct. 2023
Autumn School « Global Forests – 2023 » – Tropical forests: conservation issues and management challenges
Autumn School « Global Forests – 2023 » – Tropical forests: conservation issues and management challenges
Intervenant: Willy Delvalle (PhD student, ENS-PSL)
9 October 12:00 to 12 October 12:00
Maison Française d’Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
The significant rise in the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon between 2019 and 2022 raised one
of the greatest dilemmas in the international system and potentially one of its most decisive for the
existence of nature in all its biodiversity: ecological intervention when the sovereign State over a
major ecosystem encourages its destruction. For its defenders, it is the guarantee of the right to live.
For its critics, it’s a West-centric new instrument of domination. The case of Brazil under the
mandate of President Jair Bolsonaro is emblematic of this deadlock. Faced with multiple
consequences for living beings, this environmental destruction promoted by the Postcolonial State
and aimed at exports of natural ‘resources’ towards the Global North and China became an issue of
debate at the core of the ratification process debates on the Free-Trade Agreement negotiated
between the European Union and Mercosur. European leaders called for a change on Brazilian State
environmental management through an expansion of European norms. A postcolonial analysis
points towards a meddling between neo-colonial and neo-imperial dimension of the international system principles on the determination of the boundaries of State Sovereignty over Natural ‘Resources’, where ecological intervention is not grounded on protecting the environment, but on legitimizing the expansion of global trade and neo-imperialism.
Autumn School « Global Forests – 2023 » – Tropical forests: conservation issues and management challenges
Convened by Maya Leroy (AgroParisTech), Nicolas Picard (CIRAD and director ECOFOR Newtwork), Pascal Marty (Maison Française d’Oxford)
Presentations will be given in English or in French.
« Global Forests » est une école d’automne pour doctorantes et doctorants, post-doctorantes et post-doctorants dont les recherches portent sur les questions forestières à partir de toutes les disciplines scientifiques. L’objectif de l’école est d’offrir un temps d’échange et de formation scientifique à partir de groupes pluri-disciplinaires. Une large place est faite aux questions forestières dans les pays du Sud.
“Global Forests” is an autumn school for doctoral and post-doctoral students whose research focuses on forest issues and coming from all scientific disciplines. The aim of the autumn school is to offer a time for scientific exchange and training to a multi-disciplinary group of young scientists. A large place is given to forestry issues in the Global South.
Lundi / Monday 9 Oct.
A partir de 12h : accueil à la Maison Française d’Oxford / Starting at 12.00: Welcome to the MFO
12h-14h : lunch
14h-14h30 : introduction et présentation de l’école d’automne Global Forest / Global Forest introduction session
14h30 – 16h : Key note lecture: Maya LEROY (AgroParisTech): “Enjeux de conservation et défis de gestion en forêt tropicale : dispositifs et instruments de gestion »
16h-16h30 : pause thé-café / Tea-Coffee Break
16h30-17h30 : Keynote lecture : à confirmer (NB : additional keynote lectures are likely to take place on Tuesday or Wednesday evening).
Mardi / Tuesday 10 Oct.
Mardi 10 octobre 9h-10h – Frankline NGHOBUOCHE : « Forest certification for sustainable forest management in the Congo Basin: Myth or reality”
10h-11h – Alain Eliezer MAJAMBU MUDIBU : “Political ecology de la lutte contre la déforestation en République Démocratique du Congo »
11h-11h30 – pause thé-café / Tea-Coffee Break 11h30-12h30 – Fabrice KENGNE FOTSO : « Les modèles de foresterie communautaire au Cameroun, au Gabon et en République Démocratique du Congo : points de convergence et de divergence »
12h30 – 13h45 – déjeuner / lunch
13h45-14h45 – Adrien PEROCHES : « From tree fellers to planters: a systematic review of forest restoration initiatives by local populations in Central Africa »
14h45 – 15h45 – Anthony BAIDOO : « Ghana-China rosewood trade: governance and power issues »
15h45-16h – pause thé-café / Tea-Coffee Break
16h -17h – Willy DELVALLE : « European ecological intervention faced with the Brazilian Amazon deforestation: a neo-imperialist discourse? »
Mercredi / Wednesday 11 Oct.
9h-10h – Tiavina RANDRIAMBININTSOA: « Utilisation du spectromètre ultraportable en proche infrarouge en tant qu’outil d’aide pour faciliter l’identification des bois précieux malgaches, par les agents de contrôles forestiers sur le terrain »
10h-11h – Eliott MAURENT : « Both disturbance-related and pre-disturbance drivers shape postlogging tree diversity trajectories in French Guiana »
11h-11h30 – pause thé-café / Tea-Coffee Break
11h30-12h30 – Alexandre RAIMBAULT : « Effet des réseaux mycorhiziens sur la croissance de plantules de hêtres en forêts anciennes et récentes »
12h30 – 13h30 – Desamarie FERNANDEZ : « Occupancy of carnivorans in Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan Island, Philippines»
13h30-14h30 – déjeuner / lunch
14h30 – 15h30 – Brainstorming par groups : “quels messages pour les parties prenantes de la gestion ? »
15h30-17h30 – Restitution de la réflexion par groupes ; Discussion et conclusions
Jeudi / Thursday 12 Oct.
9h30 – 12h – Visite du Natural History Museum
For more information: https://www.mfo.ac.uk/event/autumn-school-global-forests-2023-tropical-forests-conservation-issues-and-management
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne Simon (6 octobre 2023). Willy Delvalle | European ecological intervention faced with the Brazilian Amazon deforestation : a neo-imperialist discourse? | Autumn School Global Forests | MFO | Oxford | 10 Oct. 2023. Animots. Consulté le 11 octobre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/b76l