AàC | Futures : Francophone Post-Colonial Studies in the 21st Century | Lancaster University | 21 juin 2024 | Date limite : 15 mai 2024
Postgraduate Study Day
Friday 21st June 2024, Lancaster University
Call for Papers – “Futures: Francophone Post-Colonial Studies in the 21st Century”
Keynote speaker: Dr Seraphin Kamdem, from the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics (SLCL) and Centre for African Studies (CAS), SOAS, University of London
At a time when Modern Languages as a discipline is under threat, in the context of department closures, and when we are all wondering what shape our futures as researchers in Francophone Postcolonial Studies will take, this study day will provide a timely opportunity to come together and reflect on our research and our position as postgraduate and early career researchers in the field.
This study day aims to unite postgraduate students studying histories, literatures, languages, and cultures related to Francophone Postcolonial Studies in the 21st century. The event seeks to explore the future of Francophone Postcolonial Studies and how contemporary researchers engage with the changing, challenging, and complicated histories, literatures, cultures, and film. We are discovering new modes of expression that reflect cultural and political identities and changes across the Francophone world in the 21st century.
The study day will also delve into the topic of life after a PhD. How can PhD students gain relevant experience during their programme that will equip them well in the world of work? What challenges might they face after graduation? Will they pursue careers in academia or industry? Postgraduates can ask these questions and more to a panel of experts during our round table session. The panel will share their experiences and provide tips on early career pathways.
We invite proposals for ten-minute papers from all postgraduates in Francophone Postcolonial Studies. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Impact of the past on the future
- Immigration and mobilities
- Questions of globalisation
- Linguistic and cultural identities
- Cultural and literary movements
- Futures research
- Environmental futures
We also invite poster submissions from postgraduate students. Poster submissions are not necessarily required to fit with the conference theme to offer the opportunity to present work in the earlier stages of research.
Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words to the organisers, Nkeke Delphine and Holly Lawton, to sfpsstudyday@gmail.com by 15 May 2024 (please indicate if your abstract is for a paper or a poster). If you have any questions or enquiries, please feel free to get in touch.
The participation fee is £10, and an optional membership registration fee of £20 into SFPS. Tea/coffee and lunch will be provided.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Lisa Frankel (18 avril 2024). AàC | Futures : Francophone Post-Colonial Studies in the 21st Century | Lancaster University | 21 juin 2024 | Date limite : 15 mai 2024. Animots. Consulté le 10 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/w8pw