Philosophical Ethology | Angelaki | Routledge
Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities (Routledge) réalise trois numéros qui s’articulent autour de penseurs clés – Dominique Lestel, Vinciane Despret et Roberto Marchesini – dans l’émergence de la ‘philosophical ethology‘ : la recherche philosophique portant sur les relations homme-animal dans leurs dimensions culturelle, matérielle et symbolique.
Volume 19, Issue 3, 2014 “Philosophical Ethology I: Dominique Lestel”
B. Buchanan, J. Bussolini & M. Chrulew, General introduction : Philosophical ethology
T. Bardini, Preface : a field philosopher with a certain taste for fish, and who does not mistake his hat for an ethology
B. Buchanan, J. Bussolini & M. Chrulew, Editorial introduction : Dominique Lestel
M. Chrulew, The philosophical ethology of Dominique Lestel
M. Chrulew et D. Lestel, The animal outside the text : an interview with Dominique Lestel
Dominique Lestel,
- Mirror effects
- Hybrid Communities
- Toward an ethnography of Animal worlds
- Dissolving nature in culture : some philosophical stakes of the question of animal cultures
- The question of the animal subject : thoughts on the fourth wound to human narcissism
- The friends of my friends
- Epistemological interlude
- The carnivore’s ethics
- The infinite debt of the human towards the animal
Volume 20, Issue 2, 2015 “Philosophical Ethology II: Vinciane Despret”
B. Buchanan, J. Bussolini & M. Chrulew, Editorial introduction : Vinciane Despret
D. Haraway, A curious practice
B. Buchanan, The Metamorphoses of Vinciane Despret
B. Buchanan, M. Chrulew et J. Bussolini, On asking the right questions : an interview with Vinciane Despret
J. Porcher et V. Despret, The pragmatics of expertise
Vinciane Despret
- Models and Methods : sketch of a field study
- The enigma of the raven
- Who made clever hans stupid ?
- Beast and humans
- The otter and the fish farmer
- Thinking like a rat
- Animal abecedary : ‘o for oeuvres’ and ‘q for queer’
- We are not so stupid… animals neither
“Philosophical Ethology III: Roberto Marchesini”
(à paraître)
Image en Une : photographie de Ryan McGuire.
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Honorine Tellier (24 juin 2015). Philosophical Ethology | Angelaki | Routledge. Animots. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse