Felice Cimatti and Carlo Salzani (eds.) | The Biopolitical Animal | Edinburgh University Press | November 2024
Felice Cimatti and Carlo Salzani (eds.), The Biopolitical Animal, Edinburgh University Press, 2024
The book explores the intersection of biopolitics and the animal question, pushing the debate in new directions:
– Remedies the inherent species blindness of biopolitical theories that have so far mostly excluded nonhuman subjects;
– Contributes to the ‘political turn’ in animal studies that problematises and expands the scope of inquiry beyond the traditional comfort zone of ethics and ecology;
– Clarifies and concretises into new, powerful interventions the important work that has preceded it at the intersection of biopolitics and animal studies;
– Addresses the necessary intersection of biopolitics and animality from a number of different perspectives, from ancient philosophy to literary and postcolonial theory, from political theology to philosophical ethology and critical theory.
The two issues around which this collection revolves are that it is impossible to address biopolitics without taking the animal question into account, and that the animal question inherently concerns the politics of life beyond species barriers. Although biopolitical theories are necessarily structured around animal metaphors, they predominantly refer to human corporeality. On the other hand, the animal question is typically treated as an ethical issue, that is, a question of how human beings, the dominant species, ought to learn how to live peaceably with and respect other forms of life. This collection of essays by leading scholars in the fields of biopolitics and animal studies problematises, reconceptualises, and redefines these categories in order to realise the full potential of the biopolitical framework of analysis in the context of animal studies and praxis.
Introduction: What is a Biopolitical Animal? – Felice Cimatti and Carlo Salzani
Part I: The Animal of Biopolitics
Chapter 1: Turning Back to Nature: Foucault and the Practice of Animality – Matthew Calarco
Chapter 2: Community and Animality in the Ancient Cynics – Vanessa Lemm
Chapter 3: Biopolitics of COVID-19 and the Space of Animals: A Planetary Perspective – Miguel Vatter
Chapter 4: How to Chirp like a Cricket: Agamben and the Reversal of Anthropogenesis – Sergei Prozorov
Chapter 5: Animality and Inoperativity: Interspecies Form-of-Life – Sherryl Vint
Part II: Tales of Biopolitics and Animality
Chapter 6: Restraining Biopolitics: On Dino Buzzati’s Living Animals – Timothy Campbell
Chapter 7: Cages and Mirrors: Mr. Palomar and the Albino Gorilla – Serenella Iovino
Chapter 8: Bunnies and Biopolitics: Killing, Culling and Caring for Rabbits – David Redmalm and Erica von Essen
Chapter 9: Deading Life and the Undying Animal: Necropolitics After the Factory Farm – James K. Stanescu
Chapter 10: Factory Farms for Fishes: Aquaculture, Biopolitics and Resistance – Dinesh Wadiwel
Part III: Reconceptualising Biopolitics
Chapter 11: Imagining Liberation beyond Biopolitics: The Biopolitical ‘War against Animals’ and Strategies for Ending It – Zipporah Weisberg
Chapter 12: Animal Magnetism: (Bio)Political Theologies Between the Creature and the Animal – Diego Rossello
Chapter 13: Creaturely Biopolitics – Carlo Salzani
Chapter 14: A Dog’s Life: From the Biopolitical Animal to the Posthuman – Felice Cimatti
Afterword: Locating Race and Animality amidst the Politics of Interspecies Life – Neel Ahuja
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cristinalvares (24 novembre 2024). Felice Cimatti and Carlo Salzani (eds.) | The Biopolitical Animal | Edinburgh University Press | November 2024. Animots. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/12qtf