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“Companion species in North American cultural productions” | Toulouse | 17 juin 2016

Symposium international “Espèces compagnes dans les productions culturelles nord-américaines” 

mercredi 17 juin 2016 à l’Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès


Organizers: Claire Cazajous and Wendy Harding




9 am. Conference Opening

9:15-10:15 Moderator: Wendy Harding, U Toulouse, CAS

Keynote Speaker : Scott Slovic, University of Idaho, USA: “Dogs as Sensory Extensions of Self: A Gift”

Morning Session : Man and Bear

Moderator: Françoise Besson, U Toulouse, CAS

10 :45-11 :10 : Dr. Benedict Fullalove, Alberta College of Art & Design, Canada : “Thinking Bears”

11:10-11:35: James R. Goebel, University of California, Irvine, USA: “The bear was all cut open, it was full of people”: The Creaturely and the Meaty in Herzog’s Grizzly Man

11:35-12:00: Oliver Völker, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Germany: “‘Chaos, hostility, and murder’: Animals as Metaphor in Werner Herzog´s Grizzly Man”

Discussion: 12-12:30


2pm-3pm Moderator: Claire Cazajous, U Toulouse, CAS

Keynote Speaker : Tom Lynch, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA:

“Companions in Restoration: Buffalo Ranching as Interspecies and Intercommunity Reconciliation, The Case of Dan O’ Brien’s Wild Idea”

Afternoon Session : Writing Against Extinction

Moderator: Aurélie Guillain, U Toulouse, CAS

3:30-3:55: Geneviève Dragon, Université de Bretagne, Rennes 2, Cellam, groupe Phi : “Man and Wolf: The Intangible Border Between Nature and Culture in Cormac McCarthy’s The Crossing”

3 :55-4 :20: Elizabeth Curry, University of Oregon, USA : “Animal Sacrifice and Survival in TC Boyle’s When the Killing’s Done”

4:20-4:45: Qianqian Cheng, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, “Extinction, ancient and new: Loren Eiseley’s poetics and a bone hunter’s meditation on humanity and animality”

Discussion: 4.45-5:15


Plus d’informations :

Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 5 Allée Antonio Machado – 31000 Toulouse

Honorine Tellier

Rédaction et aide à la conception du carnet

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