AàC | Living with Animals | Lexington | 12 déc. 2016
The third biennal “Living with Animals,” conference on March 22-26, 2017
organized by Robert W. Mitchell and Radhika Makecha at Eastern Kentucky University
The theme is Co-existence (though we will accept papers on a diversity of topics). Eastern Kentucky University, located in Richmond just south of Lexington, ‘The Horse Capital of the World’, began offering the first undergraduate degree in Animal Studies in 2010.
Julia Schlosser, Jessica Dallow, and Martha Robinson are co-organizing “Seeing with Animals”, focusing on animal imagery and visual representation, beginning on Wednesday, 22 March. We are continuing our “Living with Horses” theme, with talks again selected and chaired by Gala Argent and Angela Hofstetter, beginning on Thursday, 23 March. In addition, we will be celebrating 25 years of the journal Society and Animals with a panel organized by Ken Shapiro and Margo DeMello, on Friday, 24 March. We also plan to again devote time (breakout sessions and talks) on Saturday, 25 March, to issues surrounding teaching the animal (topics will depend on the abstracts about teaching we receive).
Our scheduled keynote speakers are Steve Baker, Keri Cronin, Brett Mizelle, Michał Pręgowski, and April Truitt.
The conference centers on our ever-present relationships with animals examined through the arts and humanities, sciences, and applied fields. Our focus this year is Co-existence: How do or can we co-exist with animals, and they with us? How have we failed to co-exist? Can we educate each other to support and sustain co-existence? Of course any topic related to animals or human-animal interaction is welcome.
Seeing with Animals, the conference, invites abstracts for pre-formed panels, individual papers, individual artist talks and posters that broadly address the subject of animal imagery and representation. We especially invite individual artists to submit abstracts to speak about their own art works in the form of individual artist talks. While topics in keeping with the theme of Co-Existence are preferred, any topic related to animal imagery (or artistic practices engaging animals in other ways) is welcome. We also welcome topics related to pedagogical approaches to animals and art/art history/media. We are open to alternate forms of presentations including performance art, artist demonstrations or workshops, and onsite installation art.
Potential topics for papers, artist talks and posters addressing art, animals and co-existence include but are not limited to:
- companion animals.
- the invisibility/visibility of domestic or wild animals in contemporary/historic contexts.
- humans, non-humans, extinction and extirpation.
- therapeutic co-existence.
- animals in advertising and/or social media.
- art practices deploying live animals.
- understanding co-existence historically through art practices.
If you would like to present at this conference, please send 200-400 word abstracts and CV to livingwithanimals@eku.edu.
All abstracts should be single spaced. Reference to existing bodies of work might be made.
Abstract submission deadline: December 12, 2016 (We are open to receiving late submissions, but we will begin making decisions in mid-December.) Author notification due: December 31, 2016.
For more information see: http://livingwithanimals.eku.edu/ and http://livingwithanimals.eku.edu/insidelook/[…]
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Honorine Tellier (7 octobre 2016). AàC | Living with Animals | Lexington | 12 déc. 2016. Animots. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/b6h2