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Texts, animals, environments. Zoopoetics and Environmental Poetics | Hanovre | 12 -14 oct. 2016

Conférence internationale “Texts, animals, environments. Zoopoetics and Environmental Poetics” à Hanovre du 12 au 14 octobre 2016

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Wednesday, 12 October
1:30 – 2:00 Welcome and Introduction
Roland Borgards, Catrin Gersorf, Frederike Middelhoff, Sebastian Schönbeck

2:00 – 3:30
Aaron Moe (Notre Dame): Holding on To Proteus; or, Toward a Poetics of Gaia
Stephanie Posthumus (Quebec): Animal-Eco Assemblages in Contemporary French Thought

4:00 – 5:30
Catrin Gersdorf (Würzburg): Animals, Environments, and the Political Ecology of African American Abolitionism
Benjamin Bühler (Konstanz): Other Environments. Ecocriticism and Science Fiction


Thursday, 13 October
9:30 – 11:00
Winfried Nöth (São Paulo): The Semiotic Side of the Nonhuman Turn
Margo DeMello (Ann Arbor): The Communicative Power of a Voiceless Species. An Exploration of How House Rabbits Alter Space, Create Relationships, and Communicate with People

11:30 – 12:30 Project Presentations I

  • Room 5: Jessica Güsken (Hagen): Wild Tulips, Fish in Water, Crocodiles in Swamps. Examples of Nature’s Beauty and Ugliness in the Discourse of Aesthetics; Alexander Kling (Bonn): Dynamics and Statics. Temporal Structures in Evolutionary Theory and Ecology in the Second Half of the 19th Century; Verena Meis (Düsseldorf): ‘The Jellyfish Must Have Precedence’: The Diaphanous Creature as an Ecological Eye
  • Room 6: Juliane Braun (Bonn): Translating the Pacific: Imperial Imaginations, Nature Writing, and Early-Modern Print Culture; Simone Schröder (London): Roaming in an Interdisciplinary Territory: The Nature Essay’s Take on the Environment; Jeanette Kördel (Berlin): ‘Discussing Nature’ – The Literature Written by the Argentinian Author Angélica Gorodischer from an Ecofeminist Perspective

2:30 – 4:00
Sebastian Schönbeck (Würzburg): Fables for Today (Carson, Serres, Derrida)
Frederike Middelhoff (Würzburg): Speaking for/with Animals and the Environment. Aporias and Potentials of Fictional Discourse in the 21st Century

4:30 – 5:30 Project Presentations II

  • Room 5: Dominic O’Key (Leeds): Creaturely Forms: Literature and Theory in a Damaged World; Marie Cazaban-Mazerolles (Poitiers): Writing Living Life: An Essay in Zoe-Poetics; Sarah Bezan (Alberta): From Annelid to Hominid: (De)Composing the Book in Stephen Collis and Jordan Scott’s decomp
  • Room 6: Dan Gorenstein (Berlin): On the Contemplation of Molded Life: Zoology and Literary Description in the Works of
    Ernst Jünger; Claire Cazajous-Augé (Toulouse): The Traces Animals Leave: Rick Bass’s Zoopoetics; Esther Köhring (Würzburg): Animals on Stages of Knowledge (1950 – 2013)

7:00 Public Keynote – Introduction by Bernhard Malkmus (Ohio)
Kate Rigby (Bath): ‘Piping in Their Honey Dreams’. Bee-Speaking and Ecopoetics in the Anthropocene


Friday, 14 October
9:30 – 11:00
Kári Driscoll (Utrecht): ‘Il n’y a pas de chats’: Some Types of Feline Absence
Axel Goodbody (Bath): The Ecological Wolf: Wolf Narratives Between Politics and Ecology

11:30 – 1:00
Roland Borgards (Würzburg): Stag Beetle Is in the Eye of the Beholder. Animal Ecologies, Situated Poetics and the Poetry by Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
Peter J. Meedom (Oslo): What Do Living Forms Do? Toward a Zoopolitics of Fiction

2:30 – 4:00
Matthias Preuss (Frankfurt/Oder): How to Disappear Completely? Zoo- and Ecopoetics of Extinction in Max Frisch’s Man in the Holocene
Susan McHugh (Biddeford): Cross-Pollinating: Zoo-Ecopoetics in Honeybee Fictions

4:30 – 6:00
Gabriele Dürbeck (Vechta): Memory, Loss and Guilt in a Girl-Chimp Experiment. Karen Joy Fowler’s Novel We Are Completely Beside Ourselves (2013)

Closing Remarks and Discussion
6:00 End of Symposium; Departure


There is a limited number of seats available for guest auditors. If you would like to attend the symposium, please send an email to and Applications will be considered until 15 September.

Source (networks.h-net)

Honorine Tellier

Rédaction et aide à la conception du carnet

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