Texts, animals, environments. Zoopoetics and Environmental Poetics | Hanovre | 12 -14 oct. 2016
Conférence internationale “Texts, animals, environments. Zoopoetics and Environmental Poetics” à Hanovre du 12 au 14 octobre 2016
Wednesday, 12 October
1:30 – 2:00 Welcome and Introduction
Roland Borgards, Catrin Gersorf, Frederike Middelhoff, Sebastian Schönbeck
2:00 – 3:30
Aaron Moe (Notre Dame): Holding on To Proteus; or, Toward a Poetics of Gaia
Stephanie Posthumus (Quebec): Animal-Eco Assemblages in Contemporary French Thought
4:00 – 5:30
Catrin Gersdorf (Würzburg): Animals, Environments, and the Political Ecology of African American Abolitionism
Benjamin Bühler (Konstanz): Other Environments. Ecocriticism and Science Fiction
Thursday, 13 October
9:30 – 11:00
Winfried Nöth (São Paulo): The Semiotic Side of the Nonhuman Turn
Margo DeMello (Ann Arbor): The Communicative Power of a Voiceless Species. An Exploration of How House Rabbits Alter Space, Create Relationships, and Communicate with People
11:30 – 12:30 Project Presentations I
- Room 5: Jessica Güsken (Hagen): Wild Tulips, Fish in Water, Crocodiles in Swamps. Examples of Nature’s Beauty and Ugliness in the Discourse of Aesthetics; Alexander Kling (Bonn): Dynamics and Statics. Temporal Structures in Evolutionary Theory and Ecology in the Second Half of the 19th Century; Verena Meis (Düsseldorf): ‘The Jellyfish Must Have Precedence’: The Diaphanous Creature as an Ecological Eye
- Room 6: Juliane Braun (Bonn): Translating the Pacific: Imperial Imaginations, Nature Writing, and Early-Modern Print Culture; Simone Schröder (London): Roaming in an Interdisciplinary Territory: The Nature Essay’s Take on the Environment; Jeanette Kördel (Berlin): ‘Discussing Nature’ – The Literature Written by the Argentinian Author Angélica Gorodischer from an Ecofeminist Perspective
2:30 – 4:00
Sebastian Schönbeck (Würzburg): Fables for Today (Carson, Serres, Derrida)
Frederike Middelhoff (Würzburg): Speaking for/with Animals and the Environment. Aporias and Potentials of Fictional Discourse in the 21st Century
4:30 – 5:30 Project Presentations II
- Room 5: Dominic O’Key (Leeds): Creaturely Forms: Literature and Theory in a Damaged World; Marie Cazaban-Mazerolles (Poitiers): Writing Living Life: An Essay in Zoe-Poetics; Sarah Bezan (Alberta): From Annelid to Hominid: (De)Composing the Book in Stephen Collis and Jordan Scott’s decomp
- Room 6: Dan Gorenstein (Berlin): On the Contemplation of Molded Life: Zoology and Literary Description in the Works of
Ernst Jünger; Claire Cazajous-Augé (Toulouse): The Traces Animals Leave: Rick Bass’s Zoopoetics; Esther Köhring (Würzburg): Animals on Stages of Knowledge (1950 – 2013)
7:00 Public Keynote – Introduction by Bernhard Malkmus (Ohio)
Kate Rigby (Bath): ‘Piping in Their Honey Dreams’. Bee-Speaking and Ecopoetics in the Anthropocene
Friday, 14 October
9:30 – 11:00
Kári Driscoll (Utrecht): ‘Il n’y a pas de chats’: Some Types of Feline Absence
Axel Goodbody (Bath): The Ecological Wolf: Wolf Narratives Between Politics and Ecology
11:30 – 1:00
Roland Borgards (Würzburg): Stag Beetle Is in the Eye of the Beholder. Animal Ecologies, Situated Poetics and the Poetry by Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
Peter J. Meedom (Oslo): What Do Living Forms Do? Toward a Zoopolitics of Fiction
2:30 – 4:00
Matthias Preuss (Frankfurt/Oder): How to Disappear Completely? Zoo- and Ecopoetics of Extinction in Max Frisch’s Man in the Holocene
Susan McHugh (Biddeford): Cross-Pollinating: Zoo-Ecopoetics in Honeybee Fictions
4:30 – 6:00
Gabriele Dürbeck (Vechta): Memory, Loss and Guilt in a Girl-Chimp Experiment. Karen Joy Fowler’s Novel We Are Completely Beside Ourselves (2013)
Closing Remarks and Discussion
6:00 End of Symposium; Departure
There is a limited number of seats available for guest auditors. If you would like to attend the symposium, please send an email to frederike.middelhoff@uni-wuerzburg.de and sebastian.schoenbeck@uni-wuerzburg.de. Applications will be considered until 15 September.
Source (networks.h-net)
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Honorine Tellier (8 octobre 2016). Texts, animals, environments. Zoopoetics and Environmental Poetics | Hanovre | 12 -14 oct. 2016. Animots. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/b6h4