Elisa Ramazzina, Man and Landscape in Old English Literature
The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between man and landscape in Old Eng¬lish literature starting from the assumption that, during the Middle Ages, landscape was not merely a physical space, but it was rather a complex dimension involving religious and moral aspects. Examples from poetic and prose texts will show how the natural world was usually hos¬tile and inhospitable. Mappae mundi will help determine how the Anglo-Saxons considered themselves in relation to the environment.
Keywords: Old English literature, landscape, mappae mundi, monsters, ecocriticism
Anne Simon, Place aux bêtes ! Oikos et animalité en littérature
An animal and literary study with an original interdisciplinary base, the zoopoetics not only allows to approach the animal nature of humans, but also to question the possibility for creative language to express the non-human relationships in the world. This thesis, less paradoxical than it may seem, leads to a consideration of literature as art of displacement or decentering. After having re-situated the French zoopoetics in the history of ecocriticism and of the Anglo-saxon Animal Studies, the essay will show how a living poetics is a matter of perspectives, of rhythms and forms. The conclusion will allude to the political dimension of a zoopoetics which is also, always, a zoopoethics.
Keywords : animal studies, anthropocentrism, ecocriticism, zoopoetics
Pierre Schoentjes, L’écopoétique : quand ‘Terre’ résonne dans ‘littérature’
Building on Ce qui a lieu: essai d’écopoétique (2015) this contribution explores how contempo¬rary French literature integrates environmental issues. It sketches how academic research can build upon the growing environmental consciousness yet remaining focused on the aesthetic of writing.
Keywords : environment, écopoétique, ecocriticism, contemporary French literature
Elisa Ramazzina, Man and Landscape in Old English Literature
The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between man and landscape in Old Eng¬lish literature starting from the assumption that, during the Middle Ages, landscape was not merely a physical space, but it was rather a complex dimension involving religious and moral aspects. Examples from poetic and prose texts will show how the natural world was usually hostile and inhospitable. Mappae mundi will help determine how the Anglo-Saxons considered themselves in relation to the environment.
Keywords: Old English literature, landscape, mappae mundi, monsters, ecocriticism
Laura Bignotti, Barthold H. Brockes: ein aufklärerischer Umweltschützer? Die poetische Wiederentdeckung der Schöpfung im Irdischen Vergnügen in Gott
Barthold H. Brockes’ poetry collection Irdisches Vergnugen in Gott (1721-1748) proposes a joy¬ful celebration of every element of Creation. Influenced by the English physico-theology, this work contributed to spread a new, positive perception of immanent reality, no longer condi¬tioned by baroque pessimism. If considered in an ecocritical perspective, these poems can be extremely relevant even today: the deep and reverent admiration for nature they express, orig¬inally geared towards the celebration of God, has the potential to point today’s readers to an empathetic and responsible relationship with nature.
Keywords: Barthold H. Brockes, nature poetry, physicotheology, ecocriticism, Irdisches Vergnugen in Gott
Davide Vago, La « porosité » du réel : sur quelques stratégies stylistiques d’André Bucher
André Bucher uses certain stylistic devices that aptly suggest the porosity of the world, since humanity, animals and nature are the interdependent protagonists of his novels. Some stylistic constructions evoke this environmental inversion: the personification of nature through extend¬ed metaphors or catachresis reproduces the vocabulary of an animal. Nevertheless, by avoiding excessive lyricism, Bucher emphasises that the human scheme of existence is incommensurable with regard to the plane of nature.
Keywords: André Bucher, porosity, stylistic structure, catachresis, plan of nature
Federica Locatelli, Poétiquement toujours, les Écologiques de Michel Deguy. Entretien, réflexions
In PauvreBelgique Charles Baudelaire asked himselfwhat follows: “Dirons-nous que le monde est devenu pour moi inhabitable ?”. The well-known contemporary poet Michel Deguy has shown the same concern in some of his latest essays, published by Hermann between 2009 and 2012, espe¬cially in Fin dans le monde and Ècologiques. The latter in particular will be the object of my study: I will establish a parallelism between the poetic discourse and the debate on the ‘logies’ and the o’ikos, making evidence of some stunning similarities. In fact, they both suggest that by taking things radi-cally – “radicalement”, as Deguy prompts in his text – that is to say literally from the roots, they help us understand and revive – “poétiquement toujours” – our transitory abode.
Keywords: Michel Deguy, ecology, logos, world, dwelling
Vittoria Prencipe, La natura impervia come strada verso la virtù. La figura di Catonenel IX libro del Bellum civile
The relationship between man and nature has been examined under several points of view since the antiquity, as emerges from the brief reflection presented in the first paragraph of this paper, which, for the rest, focuses on one of the many visions emerged from ancient Greek and Latin literature and philosophy.
Keywords: Ancient literature, role of nature, Cato, concept of virtue
Franco Lonati, I wish no living thing to suffer pain . Percy Bysshe Shelley e la dieta vegetarianaPercy Bysshe Shelley began a mild form of vegetable diet. In many of his works (A Refutation of Deism, e Revolt of Islam, Prometheus Unbound, Alastor) Shelley dealt with the issue of natural diet, not only illustrating its physical benefits, but also stressing the philosophical and ethical signifi¬cance of his radical choice. Shelley is now in fact regarded as a sort of tutelary deity by the ever¬growing followers ofvegetarian and vegan movements, and quotes from his works regularly appear on the homepages of the most popular vegetarian websites. My paper will focus on the origin and development of Shelley’s vegetarianism and his literary and scientific sources through the analysis of Queen Mab and the Notes to Queen Mab.
Keywords: diet, nature, Shelley, vegetarianism, veganism
Elena Past, Volcanic Matters: Magmatic Cinema, Ecocriticism, and Italy
Return to the Aeolian Islands (Fughe e approdi, 2010) chronicles director Giovanna Taviani’s journey to the Aeolian Islands, a volcanic archipelago off the coast of Sicily and setting for a host of films. Return documents the islands’ geological past in a study of ecological, and not just cinematic history. This essay begins to unravel the threads of a magmatic Aeolian landscape where volcanoes, cinema, and memory collaborate in the creation of more-than-human stories.
Keywords: Italian cinema, ecocriticism, volcanoes, Aeolian Islands, Giovanna Taviani, posthumanism
Daniela Fargione, The Rhetoric of Seduction, the Aesthetics of Waste, and Ecopornography in Edward Burtynsky’s Shipbreaking
This article analyzes Edward Burtynsky’s Shipbreaking (2009), a controversial photographic project that inquires into the representation of environmental corruption and economic ex¬ploitation faced by disenfranchised communities. The controversy depends on the incongruity between the aesthetization of the gritty subject matter the photographs exhibit (the waste of the world and human waste) and the artist’s stylistic strategy, which may improperly be seen as an example of ecopornography.
Keywords: ecocriticism, environmental justice, aesthetics ofwaste, ecopornography, Edward Burtynsky
Francesco Toniolo, Natura di guerra. Possibilità ecocritiche sullo sfondo dei videogiochi strategici
An ecocritical reading of three real-time strategy (RTS) videogames, which are set in different contexts (historical, fantasy and Sci-Fi), in order to identify, in the background of a genre domi¬nated by the ideology of war, a relationship between players and civilizations with the environ¬ment.
Keywords: videogames, environment, RTS, ecocriticism, war games
Caterina Allais, An Exploratory Analysis of ScienceBlog
A recent international project, Investigating Interdisciplinary Research Discourse, carried out at the Centre for Corpus Research (University of Birmingham) investigates the entire holdings of the journal Global Environmental Change as a model of interdisciplinary discourse (http://paulslals. org.uk/IDRD/). Another international research project carried out by the University ofLeicester and by two Norwegian research centres (University of Bergen and Uni research) regards the repre¬sentations of the future in English language blogs on climate changes. But what lexical features are employed as regards the new and increasingly widespread ecological sensibility? Do they carry a positive or a negative connotation? This question will be answered through an exploratory lexical analysis carried out on Scienceblog, a recent corpus of 103,175,233 words not yet investigated, which comprises a selection of posts and comments from the scienceblogs.com website, published from 2006 to 2014, now available on the online query system SketchEngine.
Keywords: corpus linguistics, ScienceBlog, Sketchengine, environment, lexical analysis
Costanza Cucchi and Sonia Piotti, Eco-fashion Lexicon: a Never-ending Story?
Due to increased awareness of ecological and environmental issues and greater integrity by the fashion industry, the terms ‘ecofashion’, ‘ethical fashion’ and ‘sustainable fashion’ have recently been gaining popularity to refer to garments which are designed and manufactured supporting ethnic communities and without harming the environment. New terms, such as ‘environmental’, ‘green’, ‘ecological’, ‘eco-friendly’, ‘sustainable’, ‘recycled’ and ‘organic’ have been used to qualify both garments and production practices, to the point that Hanlon (2009) observed that the potential creativity of language in the field of sustainable fashion “is never-ending”.
However, fashion experts as well as fashion scholars pointed out that the exact meaning of the terms related to the ecofashion movement is not always clear. This study aims to explore the lex¬icon of eco fashion from a purely linguistic perspective. Results support with linguistic evidence the claims regarding the cross-fertilisation of the terms related to the ecofashion movement and, in some cases, their lack of clarity.
Keywords: ecofashion lexicon, sustainable fashion, English lexicology, English lexicography
Nataly Botero, Stratégies argumentatives dans la presse ecologiste française : métaphores, jeux de mots et détournements
The essay looks at various strategies of meaning in the language of French ecological media, from the subversion of clichés to metaphorical mappings, word plays and implicit suggestions. The main point is to describe and analyse those “discursive images” not as rhetoric or style fi¬gures but as an argumentative strategy used by ecological press.<
Keywords : French ecological media, discourse analysis, metaphors, argumentation
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Elisa Bolchi | Paola Nardi | Erica Maggioni | Elisa Ramazzina | Laura Bignotti | Davide Vago | Federica Locatelli | Vittoria Prencipe | Franco Lonati | Daniela Fargione | Francesco Toniolo | Caterina Allais | Costanza Cucchi | Sonia Piotti | Nataly Botero