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French Natures | New York | 26-27 Oct 2018

FRENCH NATURES : A conference-festival at New York University. October 26-27, 2018


Each culture maps its understanding of the physical world (nature, physis) in different ways. This conference-festival  thus asks: what do French and Francophone literature, film, visual art, theater, and philosophy make of our planet? How can they help us understand our world marked by environmental catastrophe?


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Friday October 26 (La Maison Française, Washington Mews)


9.30: Opening Words

Frédérique Aït-Touati and Phillip John Usher (conference organizers)

Sarah Kay (Professor and Chair of French Literature, Thought and Culture, and Director of the NYU Center for French Language and Cultures)

Carolyn Dinshaw (Silver Professor; Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis and English; NYU Dean for Humanities)

10.00-11.15: Our Troubled Planet

The World on Fire
Peggy McCracken (University of Michigan)

Dialectics of Meteors
Frédéric Neyrat (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

11.15-11.30: Break

11.30-1.15: Smokiness and Lightness

Visalizing the Nature of Northern French Smokestacks from Dubigny to Pissarro
Daniel Finch-Race (Bristol University)

The Unbearable Lightness of Ecology
Pauline Goul (Vassar College)

1.15-2.30: Break

2.30-4.15: Fields and Beaches

Being on Earth, or The Cosmic Agriculture
Emanuele Coccia (EHESS)

Queer Ecology and the Modernist Beach
Hannah Freed-Thall (NYU)

4.15-4.45: Break

4.45-5.45: Pamela H. Smith, Making and Knowing: Material Imaginaries of the Early Modern (Columbia)

7.30: Bruno Latour, US-première of Inside (A ticket must be purchased for this. Details will be posted here soon.)


Saturday October 27 (La Maison Française, Washington Mews)


9.30-10.00: Reading of Olivier Kemeid’s Aeneid. Directed by Judy Miller (NYU) and Rachel Watson (NYU)

10.00-10.15: Break

10.15-11.45: Theatrical Natures Roundtable. Featuring: Frédérique Aït-Touati (EHESS, CNRS, Sciences Po), Una Chaudhuri (NYU), Sarah Cameron Sunde (director, New York). Chaired by: Judy Miller (NYU)

12.00-1.00: Outing to Earth Room with Robin Joyce. The Earth Roomhas been open to the public (for free) since 1980 (Details and directions  here).

1.45-3.15: Territories (1)

Le Jardin des plantes
Eugène Nicole (NYU)

Theological-Political Arborescences: Louis Dorléans’s La plante humaine
Rose Gardner (Columbia University)

3.15-3.30: Break

3.30-4.45: Territories (2)

Wild Diplomacy. Cohabiting With the Others Among Us
Baptiste Morizot (Université Aix-Marseille)

On the Exterranean
Phillip John Usher (NYU)

4.45-5.15: Break

5.15-7.00: Future Perspectives for Cohabitation on the Earth

French Zoopoetics: Animals at the Intersection of Nature, Language, and Ethics
Anne Simon (EHESS-CRAL)

Ferality in the Arts: Visualizing the Next Nature
Bénédicte Ramade

Reading Ecologically with Posthuman Cultures
Stéphanie Posthumus (McGill University)



Honorine Tellier

Rédaction et aide à la conception du carnet

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