CfP | Approaches to Animal in Literature and Culture | 30 nov. 2018
Approaches to Animal in Literature and Culture
For an edited volume on Animal Studies
Submission deadline: 30th November 2018 (will be extended on request)
Essays are invited from academics, scholars, research aspirants and animal advocates.
Proposals for articles on topics relevant to this collective volume may include, but are not limited to:
Theoretical Background
- HAS or CAS or Anthrozoology
• Animals and Animality Studies
• Animal Studies and Ecocriticism
• Animal ethics and rights
• Darwinism and Animal Ontology
• Posthumanism and Animal alterity
• Feminism and animal studies
• Animal in theology and mythology
• Animal in film and visual arts
• Postcolonial Animal
• Domesticated animal
• Meat eating, fishing, hunting, zoo keeping and farming
Textual Readings
Contributors have the liberty to choose literary and cultural texts for their case study, but the papers must theorise the significant presence of nonhuman animals in the selected texts. Photo-essays are also welcome.
Editing requirements
- Please follow MLA style (latest) Articles should be submitted as MS Word attachments only
- The length of the article should be around 5000 words.
- The papers should accompany relevant endnotes, references and authors’ bio-note.
The name of the publisher will be announced later.
Submit to the editor Krishanu Maiti here:
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Honorine Tellier (7 septembre 2018). CfP | Approaches to Animal in Literature and Culture | 30 nov. 2018. Animots. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse