Sarah Kay | Un souffle de fauve dans le chant humain au Moyen Age | EHESS – INHA | 25 janv. 2019
Dans le cadre du séminaire “Les contours du vivant : dialogues interspecifiques” organisé par
Pierre-Olivier Dittmar , nous aurons le plaisir d’entendre demain, 25 janvier 2019
“Un souffle de fauve dans le chant humain au Moyen Age”
Sarah Kay
Department of French Literature, Thought and Culture
New York University
Lieu :
salle Fabri-de-Peresc, 14H-16H
INHA, 2 rue vivienne, 75002 PARIS
Domaines de recherches :
Philology’s Vomit. An Essay on the Corporeality and Immortality of Texts. Chronos, Zurich, 2017.
Animal Skins and the Reading Self. Chicago, 2017.
Parrots and Nightingales. Troubadour Quotations and the Development of European Poetry. UPenn, 2013
Knowing Poetry: Verse in Medieval France from the Rose to the Rhétoriqueurs (with Armstrong). Cornell, 2011.
French translation Une Muse savante? Poésie et savoir, du Roman de la Rose jusqu’aux grands rhétoriqueurs, Classiques Garnier, 2014
Thinking Through Chrétien de Troyes (with Stahuljak, Green, Kinoshita, McCracken). Boydell and Brewer, 2011.
Editor, The Cambridge Companion to Medieval French Literature (with Gaunt). Cambridge, 2008.
The Place of Thought: The Complexity of One in Medieval French Didactic Poetry. U. Penn, 2007.
Zizek: A Critical Introduction. Polity Press, 2003.
A Short History of French Literature (with Bowie and Cave). Oxford, 2003.
Courtly Contradictions: The Emergence of the Literary Object in the Twelfth Century. Stanford, 2001.
The Chanson de geste in the age of romance: Political Fictions. Clarendon, 1995.
Subjectivity in Troubadour Poetry. Cambridge, 1990.
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